$$x_1=x_0(1+k_1 *r^2+k_2 *r^4), \ y_1=y_0(1+k_1*r^2+k_2*r^4)$$
r为径向(至图像中心)距离,k1, k2值由镜头本身决定。
def computeSphericalWarpMappings(dstShape, f, k1, k2): # calculate minimum y value vec = np.zeros(3) vec[0] = np.sin(0.0) * np.cos(0.0) vec[1] = np.sin(0.0) vec[2] = np.cos(0.0) * np.cos(0.0) min_y = vec[1] # calculate spherical coordinates # (x,y) is the spherical image coordinates. # (xf,yf) is the spherical coordinates, e.g., xf is the angle theta # and yf is the angle phi one = np.ones((dstShape[0],dstShape[1])) xf = one * np.arange(dstShape[1]) yf = one.T * np.arange(dstShape[0]) yf = yf.T xf = ((xf - 0.5 * dstShape[1]) / f) yf = ((yf - 0.5 * dstShape[0]) / f - min_y) # add code to apply the spherical correction, i.e., # compute the Euclidean coordinates, # and project the point to the z=1 plane at (xt/zt,yt/zt,1), # then distort with radial distortion coefficients k1 and k2 # Use xf, yf as input for your code block and compute xt, yt # as output for your code. They should all have the shape # (img_height, img_width) xt, yt, zt = np.zeros(dstShape), np.zeros(dstShape), np.zeros(dstShape) zt = np.cos(xf)*np.cos(yf) xt = np.sin(xf)*np.cos(yf) / zt yt = np.sin(yf) / zt r2 = xt**2+yt**2 xt = xt*(1 + k1*r2 + k2*r2**2) yt = yt*(1 + k1*r2 + k2*r2**2) # Convert back to regular pixel coordinates xn = 0.5 * dstShape[1] + xt * f yn = 0.5 * dstShape[0] + yt * f uvImg = np.dstack((xn,yn)) return uvImg
$$ \mathop{\arg\min}_{t} \ \left\|At-b\right\|_2 $$
$$ A^T At=A^T b, \quad t=(A^T A)^{-1} A^T b$$
此时得到一个最优化问题$$ \mathop{\arg\min}_{t} \ \left\|Ah-0\right\|_2 \ \quad \mathbb{s.t.} \left\|h|\right\|=1$$。
根据特征值的几何意义,我们发现要求的h就是矩阵A最小特征值的特征向量。因为A不是方阵,所以使用奇异值分解,使用A最后一个右奇异向量。即\( [v,\lambda]eig(A_T A), \quad h=v_n \ (\lambda_n<=(\lambda_{1..n-1}))\)
def computeHomography(f1, f2, matches, A_out=None): ''' Input: f1 -- list of cv2.KeyPoint objects in the first image f2 -- list of cv2.KeyPoint objects in the second image matches -- list of cv2.DMatch objects DMatch.queryIdx: The index of the feature in the first image DMatch.trainIdx: The index of the feature in the second image DMatch.distance: The distance between the two features A_out -- ignore this parameter. If computeHomography is needed in other TODOs, call computeHomography(f1,f2,matches) Output: H -- 2D homography (3x3 matrix) Takes two lists of features, f1 and f2, and a list of feature matches, and estimates a homography from image 1 to image 2 from the matches. ''' num_matches = len(matches) # Dimensions of the A matrix in the homogenous linear # equation Ah = 0 num_rows = 2 * num_matches num_cols = 9 A_matrix_shape = (num_rows,num_cols) A = np.zeros(A_matrix_shape) for i in range(len(matches)): m = matches[i] (a_x, a_y) = f1[m.queryIdx].pt (b_x, b_y) = f2[m.trainIdx].pt #Fill in the matrix A in this loop. #Access elements using square brackets. e.g. A[0,0] A[2*i] = [a_x , a_y, 1, 0, 0, 0, -b_x * a_x, -b_x * a_y, -b_x] A[2*i+1] = [0, 0, 0, a_x, a_y, 1, -b_y * a_x, -b_y * a_y, -b_y] #s is a 1-D array of singular values sorted in descending order #U, Vt are unitary matrices #Rows of Vt are the eigenvectors of A^TA. #Columns of U are the eigenvectors of AA^T. U, s, Vt = np.linalg.svd(A) if A_out is not None: A_out[:] = A #Fill the homography H with the appropriate elements of the SVD H=Vt[8,:].reshape((3,3)) return H
def alignPair(f1, f2, matches, m, nRANSAC, RANSACthresh): ''' Input: f1 -- list of cv2.KeyPoint objects in the first image f2 -- list of cv2.KeyPoint objects in the second image matches -- list of cv2.DMatch objects DMatch.queryIdx: The index of the feature in the first image DMatch.trainIdx: The index of the feature in the second image DMatch.distance: The distance between the two features m -- MotionModel (eTranslate, eHomography) nRANSAC -- number of RANSAC iterations RANSACthresh -- RANSAC distance threshold Output: M -- inter-image transformation matrix Repeat for nRANSAC iterations: Choose a minimal set of feature matches. Estimate the transformation implied by these matches count the number of inliers. For the transformation with the maximum number of inliers, compute the least squares motion estimate using the inliers, and return as a transformation matrix M. ''' ret=[] for i in range(nRANSAC): mat=np.random.choice(matches, 1 if m==eTranslate else 4) H=np.eye(3) if m==eTranslate: mat=mat[0] H[:2,2]=(np.array(f2[mat.trainIdx].pt)-f1[mat.queryIdx].pt) else: H=computeHomography(f1,f2,mat) inliers = getInliers(f1,f2,matches,H,RANSACthresh) if len(inliers)>len(ret): ret = inliers M = leastSquaresFit(f1,f2,matches,m,ret) return M def getInliers(f1, f2, matches, M, RANSACthresh): ''' Output: inlier_indices -- inlier match indices (indexes into 'matches') Transform the matched features in f1 by M. Store the match index of features in f1 for which the transformed feature is within Euclidean distance RANSACthresh of its match in f2. Return the array of the match indices of these features. ''' inlier_indices = [] for i in range(len(matches)): #Determine if the ith matched feature f1[id1], when transformed #by M, is within RANSACthresh of its match in f2. #If so, append i to inliers p1=(f1[matches[i].queryIdx].pt + (1,) ) @ M.T if np.linalg.norm(p1[:2]/p1[2]-f2[matches[i].trainIdx].pt) <= RANSACthresh: inlier_indices.append(i) return inlier_indices
这里边界上的acc按blendwidth线性变化。计算最终图像时, 对叠于一个点的所有图像按acc输出的颜色值相加,除以这些图像的acc之和。 注意应消除变换填充的黑色部分。
def imageBoundingBox(img, M): """ This is a useful helper function that you might choose to implement that takes an image, and a transform, and computes the bounding box of the transformed image. """ h,w=img.shape[:2] corner=np.array([[0,0,1],[0,h-1,1],[w-1,0,1],[w-1,h-1,1]],dtype=np.float) @ M.T for i in range(4): corner[i]/=corner[i][2] corner=corner.T minX, maxX = np.min(corner[0]), np.max(corner[0]) minY, maxY = np.min(corner[1]), np.max(corner[1]) return int(minX), int(minY), int(maxX), int(maxY) def accumulateBlend(img, acc, M, blendWidth): """ INPUT: img: image to add to the accumulator acc: portion of the accumulated image where img should be added M: the transformation mapping the input image to the accumulator blendWidth: width of blending function. horizontal hat function OUTPUT: modify acc with weighted copy of img added where the first three channels of acc record the weighted sum of the pixel colors and the fourth channel of acc records a sum of the weights """ h,w=img.shape[:2] ha,wa=acc.shape[:2] ''' minX, minY, maxX, maxY=imageBoundingBox(img,M) M1=np.linalg.inv(M) #inverserd sample for i in range(minX, maxX): for j in range(minY, maxY): p=M1 @ np.array([i,j,1]) ox=p[0]/p[2] oy=p[1]/p[2] if ox<0 or ox>=w or oy<0 or oy>=h: continue #if (img[oy,ox]==(0,0,0)).all(): # continue weight=1.0 #[!] not on new image? oy? if ox>=minX and ox<minX+blendWidth: weight=(ox-minX)/blendWidth if ox<=maxX and ox>maxX-blendWidth: weight=(maxX-ox)/blendWidth acc[j,i,3]+=weight #[!] not nearest interpolation for k in range(3): acc[j,i,k]+=img[int(oy),int(ox),k]*weight ''' imgRGBA = np.ones((h, w, 4)) imgRGBA[:, :, :3] = img ty, tx = np.meshgrid(range(w), range(h)) blend_alpha = np.fmin( np.fmin((1+ty)/(blendWidth+1), (w-ty)/(blendWidth+1)), 1) blend_alpha*=np.sum(img,axis=2)>0 for i in range(4): imgRGBA[:, :, i] *= blend_alpha dst = cv2.warpPerspective(imgRGBA, M, (wa, ha), cv2.INTER_LINEAR) acc += dst def normalizeBlend(acc): """ INPUT: acc: input image whose alpha channel (4th channel) contains normalizing weight values OUTPUT: img: image with r,g,b values of acc normalized """ h,w=acc.shape[:2] img=np.zeros((h,w,3)) acc[:,:,3]+=(acc[:,:,3]==0) for i in range(3): img[:,:,i]=acc[:,:,i]/acc[:,:,3] img=np.uint8(img) return img