





更好的改进:使用能量最小化,对深度估计增加相邻像素的平滑约束。 这个能量方程可由动态规划求解。



单一粗糙表面的理想物体,在光照条件下,入射光的反射可视为漫反射,可由朗伯 (Lambertian)方程描述:
$$I=k_d N \cdot L$$
给定若干光线入射方向L及所观察到的图像强度I,就可以求解出每个点的反照率k_d和法线方向N。此时上述方程构成线性方程组,需要解出未知量 \(G = k_d N\) 。有三个光源时,则
$$G=L^{-1} I, \\ k_d=\|G\| , N=G/k_d $$

$$L^T I =L^T LG, \\G=(L^T L)^{-1} (L^T I)$$


  1. def compute_photometric_stereo_impl(lights, images):
  2.     """
  3.     Given a set of images taken from the same viewpoint and a corresponding set
  4.     of directions for light sources, this function computes the albedo and
  5.     normal map of a Lambertian scene.
  7.     If the computed albedo for a pixel has an L2 norm less than 1e-7, then set
  8.     the albedo to black and set the normal to the 0 vector.
  10.     Normals should be unit vectors.
  12.     Input:
  13.         lights -- N x 3 array.  Rows are normalized and are to be interpreted
  14.                   as lighting directions.
  15.         images -- list of N images.  Each image is of the same scene from the
  16.                   same viewpoint, but under the lighting condition specified in
  17.                   lights.
  18.     Output:
  19.         albedo -- float32 height x width x 3 image with dimensions matching the
  20.                   input images.
  21.         normals -- float32 height x width x 3 image with dimensions matching
  22.                    the input images.
  23.     """
  24.     #raise NotImplementedError()
  25.     h,w,chan=images[0].shape[0], images[0].shape[1], images[0].shape[2]
  26.     Mat=np.linalg.inv(lights.T @ lights) @ lights.T
  27.     imag1=np.stack(images,axis=3)
  28.     albedo = np.zeros((h,w,chan))
  29.     normals = np.zeros((h,w,3))
  30.     for i in range(h):
  31.         for j in range(w):
  32.             for c in range(chan):
  33.                 G=Mat@imag1[i,j,c]
  34.                 norm=np.linalg.norm(G)
  35.                 albedo[i,j,c]=norm
  36.             G=Mat@np.mean(imag1[i,j],axis=0)
  37.             norm=np.linalg.norm(G)
  38.             if (norm>1e-7):
  39.                 normals[i,j]=G/norm
  40.     return albedo, normals



改进:彩色照明光度立体视觉 Video Normals from Colored Lights Gabriel J. Brostow , Carlos Hernández, George Vogiatzis , Björn Stenger , Roberto Cipolla IEEE TPAMI, Vol. 33, No. 10, pages 2104 2114, October 2011.








这里使用3×3基本矩阵F描述极线几何,F将图像1中的齐次点映射到图像2的极线,图像2中的极线是Fp。图像2中对应点p和q之间满足极线约束\(q^T F p=0\)。


我们通过标定过的相机推导矩阵F:令K1为相机1内参数,K2为相机2内参数,R为相机2相对与相机1的单应变换,\(t \times \tilde{q}\)为极面。则
$$\tilde{p}=K_1^{-1}p, \tilde{q}=K_2^{-1}q, \\(R^T \tilde{q})^T (t \times \tilde{q})=0$$
$$ \tilde{q}^T R [t]_\times \tilde{p}=0 $$
$$q^T K_2^T R [t]_\times K_1^{-1} p = 0 $$



通过枚举不同深度平面的方式进行三维扫描。对于每一个深度平面,可得到相应单应的变换矩阵H (在基本矩阵F中减去平移项得到)。于是只要对k幅图片进行图像卷绕,再计算出相应深度下相似度总和,以确定每个像素的最佳深度。
$$\Pi_m=[ n_m^T \quad -d_m ] \\ H_{\Pi_m, P_k}=K_k (R_k – \vec{t}_k \vec{n}_m^T /d_m) K_ref^{-1}$$


这里使用ZNCC(Zero-mean Normalized Cross Correlation)代替SSE来计算图像相似度,以减小光度差异造成的影响。ZNCC计算两个向量标准化后的内积。实际上概率论中的皮尔逊相关系数是完全类似的,而协方差可理解为两个概率向量的内积。


preprocess_ncc函数得到一幅图像像素点周围窗口的归一化向量。这里求平均时,每个通道单独做。归一化时(即做除法时),对所有通道一起做 。

  1. def project_impl(K, Rt, points):
  2.     """
  3.     Project 3D points into a calibrated camera.
  4.     Input:
  5.         K -- camera intrinsics calibration matrix
  6.         Rt -- 3 x 4 camera extrinsics calibration matrix
  7.         points -- height x width x 3 array of 3D points
  8.     Output:
  9.         projections -- height x width x 2 array of 2D projections
  10.     """
  11.     #raise NotImplementedError()
  12.     m1,m2 = np.eye(4),np.eye(4)
  13.     m1[:3,:3]=K
  14.     m2[:3,:]=Rt
  15.     projections=np.zeros(points.shape[:2]+(2,))
  16.     H=m1 @ m2
  17.     p1=np.ones([4])
  18.     for i in range(points.shape[0]):
  19.         for  j in range(points.shape[1]):
  20.             p1[:3]=points[i,j,:]
  21.             vec=H@p1
  22.             projections[i,j,:]=(vec/vec[2])[:2]
  23.     return projections
  26. def preprocess_ncc_impl(image, ncc_size):
  27.     """
  28.     Prepare normalized patch vectors according to normalized cross
  29.     correlation.
  31.     This is a preprocessing step for the NCC pipeline.  It is expected that
  32.     'preprocess_ncc' is called on every input image to preprocess the NCC
  33.     vectors and then 'compute_ncc' is called to compute the dot product
  34.     between these vectors in two images.
  36.     NCC preprocessing has two steps.
  37.     (1) Compute and subtract the mean.
  38.     (2) Normalize the vector.
  40.     The mean is per channel.  i.e. For an RGB image, over the ncc_size**2
  41.     patch, compute the R, G, and B means separately.  The normalization
  42.     is over all channels.  i.e. For an RGB image, after subtracting out the
  43.     RGB mean, compute the norm over the entire (ncc_size**2 * channels)
  44.     vector and divide.
  46.     If the norm of the vector is < 1e-6, then set the entire vector for that
  47.     patch to zero.
  49.     Patches that extend past the boundary of the input image at all should be
  50.     considered zero.  Their entire vector should be set to 0.
  52.     Patches are to be flattened into vectors with the default numpy row
  53.     major order.  For example, given the following
  54.     2 (height) x 2 (width) x 2 (channels) patch, here is how the output
  55.     vector should be arranged.
  57.     channel1         channel2
  58.     +------+------+  +------+------+ height
  59.     | x111 | x121 |  | x112 | x122 |  |
  60.     +------+------+  +------+------+  |
  61.     | x211 | x221 |  | x212 | x222 |  |
  62.     +------+------+  +------+------+  v
  63.     width ------->
  65.     v = [ x111, x121, x211, x221, x112, x122, x212, x222 ]
  67.     see order argument in np.reshape
  69.     Input:
  70.         image -- height x width x channels image of type float32
  71.         ncc_size -- integer width and height of NCC patch region.
  72.     Output:
  73.         normalized -- heigth x width x (channels * ncc_size**2) array
  74.     """
  75.     #raise NotImplementedError()
  76.     h, w, c = image.shape
  77.     normalized = np.zeros((h, w, c, ncc_size**2))
  78.     ncc_2 = ncc_size//2
  79.     # enum position in window, and save all to normalized[][] parallel
  80.     for i in range(ncc_size):
  81.         for j in range(ncc_size):
  82.             normalized[ncc_2: h-ncc_2, ncc_2: w-ncc_2, :, i*ncc_size+j] = \
  83.                 image[i: i + h + 1 - ncc_size, j: j + w + 1 - ncc_size, :]
  85.     mean = np.mean(normalized, axis=3).reshape((h, w, c, 1))
  86.     normalized = (normalized - mean).reshape((h, w, c * ncc_size**2))
  87.     norm = np.linalg.norm(normalized, axis=2).reshape((h, w, 1))
  88.     return np.divide(normalized, norm, where=norm >= 1e-6)
  91. def compute_ncc_impl(image1, image2):
  92.     """
  93.     Compute normalized cross correlation between two images that already have
  94.     normalized vectors computed for each pixel with preprocess_ncc.
  96.     Input:
  97.         image1 -- height x width x (channels * ncc_size**2) array
  98.         image2 -- height x width x (channels * ncc_size**2) array
  99.     Output:
  100.         ncc -- height x width normalized cross correlation between image1 and
  101.                image2.
  102.     """
  103.     return np.sum(image1*image2, axis=2)







  1. def form_poisson_equation_impl(height, width, alpha, normals, depth_weight, depth):
  2.     """
  3.     Creates a Poisson equation given the normals and depth at every pixel in image.
  4.     The solution to Poisson equation is the estimated depth. 
  5.     When the mode, is 'depth' in '', the equation should return the actual depth.
  6.     When it is 'normals', the equation should integrate the normals to estimate depth.
  7.     When it is 'both', the equation should weight the contribution from normals and actual depth,
  8.     using  parameter 'depth_weight'.
  10.     Input:
  11.         height -- height of input depth,normal array
  12.         width -- width of input depth,normal array
  13.         alpha -- stores alpha value of at each pixel of image. 
  14.             If alpha = 0, then the pixel normal/depth should not be 
  15.             taken into consideration for depth estimation
  16.         normals -- stores the normals(nx,ny,nz) at each pixel of image
  17.             None if mode is 'depth' in
  18.         depth_weight -- parameter to tradeoff between normals and depth when estimation mode is 'both'
  19.             High weight to normals mean low depth_weight.
  20.             Giving high weightage to normals will result in smoother surface, but surface may be very different from
  21.             what the input depthmap shows.
  22.         depth -- stores the depth at each pixel of image
  23.             None if mode is 'normals' in
  24.     Output:
  25.         constants for equation of type Ax = b
  26.         A -- left-hand side coefficient of the Poisson equation 
  27.             note that A can be a very large but sparse matrix so csr_matrix is used to represent it.
  28.         b -- right-hand side constant of the the Poisson equation
  29.     """
  31.     assert alpha.shape == (height, width)
  32.     assert normals is None or normals.shape == (height, width, 3)
  33.     assert depth is None or depth.shape == (height, width)
  35.     '''
  36.     Since A matrix is sparse, instead of filling matrix, we assign values to a non-zero elements only.
  37.     For each non-zero element in matrix A, if A[i,j] = v, there should be some index k such that, 
  38.         row_ind[k] = i
  39.         col_ind[k] = j
  40.         data_arr[k] = v
  41.     Fill these values accordingly
  42.     '''
  43.     row_ind = []
  44.     col_ind = []
  45.     data_arr = []
  46.     '''
  47.     For each row in the system of equation fill the appropriate value for vector b in that row
  48.     '''
  49.     b = []
  50.     if depth_weight is None:
  51.         depth_weight = 1
  53.     '''
  54.     TODO
  55.     Create a system of linear equation to estimate depth using normals and crude depth Ax = b
  57.     x is a vector of depths at each pixel in the image and will have shape (height*width)
  59.     If mode is 'depth':
  60.         > Each row in A and b corresponds to an equation at a single pixel
  61.         > For each pixel k, 
  62.             if pixel k has alpha value zero do not add any new equation.
  63.             else, fill row in b with depth_weight*depth[k] and fill column k of the corresponding
  64.                 row in A with depth_weight.
  66.         Justification: 
  67.             Since all the elements except k in a row is zero, this reduces to 
  68.                 depth_weight*x[k] = depth_weight*depth[k]
  69.             you may see that, solving this will give x with values exactly same as the depths, 
  70.             at pixels where alpha is non-zero, then why do we need 'depth_weight' in A and b?
  71.             The answer to this will become clear when this will be reused in 'both' mode
  73.     Note: The normals in image are +ve when they are along an +x,+y,-z axes, if seen from camera's viewpoint.
  74.     If mode is 'normals':
  75.         > Each row in A and b corresponds to an equation of relationship between adjacent pixels
  76.         > For each pixel k and its immideate neighbour along x-axis l
  77.             if any of the pixel k or pixel l has alpha value zero do not add any new equation.
  78.             else, fill row in b with nx[k] (nx is x-component of normal), fill column k of the corresponding
  79.                 row in A with -nz[k] and column k+1 with value nz[k]
  80.         > Repeat the above along the y-axis as well, except nx[k] should be -ny[k].
  82.         Justification: Assuming the depth to be smooth and almost planar within one pixel width.
  83.         The normal projected in xz-plane at pixel k is perpendicular to tangent of surface in xz-plane.
  84.         In other word if n = (nx,ny,-nz), its projection in xz-plane is (nx,nz) and if tangent t = (tx,0,tz),
  85.             then n.t = 0, therefore nx/-nz = -tz/tx
  86.         Therefore the depth change with change of one pixel width along x axis should be proporational to tz/tx = -nx/nz
  87.         In other words (depth[k+1]-depth[k])*nz[k] = nx[k]
  88.         This is exactly what the equation above represents.
  89.         The negative sign in ny[k] is because the indexing along the y-axis is opposite of +y direction.
  91.     If mode is 'both':
  92.         > Do both of the above steps.
  94.         Justification: The depth will provide a crude estimate of the actual depth. The normals do the smoothing of depth map
  95.         This is why 'depth_weight' was used above in 'depth' mode. 
  96.             If the 'depth_weight' is very large, we are going to give preference to input depth map.
  97.             If the 'depth_weight' is close to zero, we are going to give preference normals.
  98.     '''
  99.     #TODO Block Begin
  100.     #fill row_ind,col_ind,data_arr,b
  102.     row = 0
  103.     if normals is not None:
  104.         for i in range(height-1):
  105.             for j in range(width-1):
  106.                 if alpha[i, j] and alpha[i+1, j] and alpha[i, j+1]:
  107.                     row_ind.append(row)
  108.                     col_ind.append(i*width+j)
  109.                     data_arr.append(-normals[i, j, 2])
  110.                     row_ind.append(row)
  111.                     col_ind.append(i*width+j+1)
  112.                     data_arr.append(normals[i, j, 2])
  113.                     b.append(normals[i, j, 0])
  114.                     row += 1
  116.                     row_ind.append(row)
  117.                     col_ind.append(i*width+j)
  118.                     data_arr.append(-normals[i, j, 2])
  119.                     row_ind.append(row)
  120.                     col_ind.append((i+1)*width+j)
  121.                     data_arr.append(normals[i, j, 2])
  122.                     b.append(-normals[i, j, 1])
  123.                     row += 1
  125.     if depth is not None:
  126.         for i in range(height):
  127.             for j in range(width):
  128.                 if alpha[i, j]:
  129.                     row_ind.append(row)
  130.                     col_ind.append(i*width+j)
  131.                     data_arr.append(depth_weight)
  132.                     b.append(depth_weight*depth[i, j])
  133.                     row += 1
  135.     #TODO Block end
  136.     # Convert all the lists to numpy array
  137.     row_ind = np.array(row_ind, dtype=np.int32)
  138.     col_ind = np.array(col_ind, dtype=np.int32)
  139.     data_arr = np.array(data_arr, dtype=np.float32)
  140.     b = np.array(b, dtype=np.float32)
  142.     # Create a compressed sparse matrix from indices and values
  143.     A = csr_matrix((data_arr, (row_ind, col_ind)), shape=(row, width * height))
  145.     return A, b



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